These films are available for any Public TV station in the country - and world - to broadcast.
Stations that use Telvue, DVDs or other media can contact for instructions.
All shows are ~ 58 minutes, shows with • at the beginning of a title are ~ 28 minutes.
For example this show is 28 minutes:
•John F. Kennedy 1963 "American University Peace Speech"
The New Table of Contents - Alphabetized List 2012-2019

- •Documentary
2005 "Hidden Massacre"
- •Documentary
2005 "Poison Dust"
- •Erik
Lawyer 2010 "Firehouse 911"
- •Gray
Brechin 2004 "The Great Endarkenment"
- •hummux
1994 "Los Padres - The First Dam in Califo...
- •hummux
1994 "The Esselen 4-Color Mandala and the ...
- •hummux
2004 "Enlightenment is a Full Time Job"
- •If
Americans Knew 2007 "The Easiest Targets"
- •If
Americans Knew 2007 “Captured Prisoners” and “...
- •International
Inquiry into 9/11 2004 "Highlights"...
- •Jim
Marrs 2004 "Inside Job"
- •John
F. Kennedy 1963 “American University Peace S...
- •Jonathan
Mark 2013 “Dark Legacy: JFK and The FED”...
- •Jonathan
Mark 2014 “No Fracking Way”
- •Kevin
Danaher 2011 “Learning From 9/11” - half ho...
- •Massimo
Mazzucco 2013 "NIST vs. Architects & Engi...
- •Nafeez
Ahmed 2004 "The War on Freedom"
- •Peter
Philips 2007 "Global Dominance Group"
- •Peter
Phillips 2010 “Deliberate Propaganda”
- Barbara
Honegger 2013 "Behind the Smoke Curtain ON...
- Barbara
Honegger 2013 "December Surprise, Septembe...
- Barbara
Honegger 2013 "The 9/11 Pentagon Attacks" ...
- Barbara
Honegger 2013 "The 9/11 Pentagon Attacks" ...
- Barbara
Honegger 2013 “Behind the Smoke Curtain TH...
- Barbara
Honegger 2013 “Behind the Smoke Curtain TW...
- David
Ray Griffin 2004 "Truth and Politics"
- David
Ray Griffin 2005 "Flights of Fancy"
- David
Ray Griffin 2005 “American Empire”
- David
Ray Griffin 2005 “The Truth Behind 9/11”
- David
Ray Griffin 2006 "9/11, American Empire, and...
- David
Ray Griffin 2006 "Myth and Reality"
- David
Ray Griffin 2007 "9/11 Contradictions-Q&A"
- David
Ray Griffin 2007 "9/11 Contradictions"
- David
Ray Griffin 2007 “Let’s Get Empirical”
- David
Ray Griffin 2007 “Nationalist Faith”
- David
Ray Griffin 2008 “Was America Attacked by Mu...
- David
Ray Griffin 2008 “Was America Attacked by Mu...
- Massimo
Mazzucco 2013 New Pearl Harbor FIVE
- Massimo
Mazzucco 2013 New Pearl Harbor FOUR
- Massimo
Mazzucco 2013 New Pearl Harbor ONE
- Massimo
Mazzucco 2013 New Pearl Harbor THREE
- Massimo
Mazzucco 2013 New Pearl Harbor TWO
- Meria
Heller 2007 "Be the Media!"
- Mike
Ruppert 2004 “Why No Air Force Response To 9/...
- National
Summit 2014 “1. How Does the Israel Lobby...
- National
Summit 2014 “2. Does Israel Influence U.S...
- National
Summit 2014 “3. Does the Special Relation...
- National
Summit 2014 “4. How Did the ‘Special Rela...
- National
Summit 2014 “5. Has the Israel Lobby Capt...
- National
Summit 2014 “6. Is Israel really a U.S. a...
This portion of the Table of Contents is rather dated and a new version in progress.
Meanwhile all of our films are now in the previous list. Happy Hunting!
911TV Film Table of Contents - Speakers & Themes Referenced In The Films
Advancing the Truth Conference, September 14-15, 2013
Alison Weir
Barbara Honegger
Barrie Zwicker
Connecting the Dots
Christopher Bollyn
David Ray Griffin
Featured 9/11
Kevin Ryan
Marijuana is Medicine
More 9/11
USA – Israel Special Relationships
Other Emergencies [911]
YouTube Link - Watch Shows Here
PEGmedia Link - 911TV Shows For Public Access TV Stations
Richard Gage
Steven Jones
Toronto Hearings, September 2012
Understanding Deep Politics
Advancing the Truth Conference, September 14-15, 2013
DC 911 Conference 2013 "Trailer"
Barbara Honegger 2013 "December Surprise, September Surprise"
Barbara Honegger 2013 "The 9/11 Pentagon Attacks"
Barry Kissin 2013 "The Anthrax Attacks"
Dick Gregory - 9/11 & The America Too Few Know About
Dwain Deets 2013 "The Pentagon 757"
Isa Hodge 2013 "The Entrapment of Young Muslim Men"
Kevin Barrett 2013 "Demolition of Democracy"
Kevin Barrett 2013 "Terror and the Sacred"
M.D. Alam 2013 "Muslim in America"
Matt Sullivan 2013 "The Pentagon Flyover Theory"
Mark Gaffney 2013 "Money, Motive and Technology"
Pentagon Panel 2013 "Questions & Answers"
Richard Gage 2013 "State of the Truth Movement"
Wayne Madsen 2013 "Voices from the Grave"
Webster Tarpley 2013 "Manufactured Terrorism"
Alison Weir
Alison Weir 2006 “Off the Charts” Extended Movie
Alison Weir 2011 "If Americans Knew"
Alison Weir 2014 “Hidden History”
•If Americas Knew 2007 "The Easiest Targets"
•If Americans Knew 2007 “Captured Prisoners” and “The Easiest Targets”
•Alison Weir 2006 “Off the Charts”
Barbara Honegger
Barbara Honegger 2013 "Behind the Smoke Curtain ONE"
Barbara Honegger 2013 “Behind the Smoke Curtain TWO”
Barbara Honegger 2013 “Behind the Smoke Curtain THREE”
Barbara Honegger 2013 "The 9/11 Pentagon Attacks" PART 1
Barbara Honegger 2013 "December Surprise, September Surprise"
Barrie Zwicker
Barrie Zwicker 2002 "The Great Deception" + hummux 2004 "Enlightenment is a Full Time Job"
•Barrie Zwicker 2002 "The Great Deception"
Barrie Zwicker 2004 "The Great Conspiracy"
•Steven Jones 2006 "Interview with Barrie Zwicker"
DC Emergency Truth Convergence 2005 “Being The Media”
Jimmy Walter 2004 “Confronting the Evidence”
Ken Jenkins 2004 "Perspective on 9/11"
Connecting the Dots
Aaron Russo 2005 "Freedom to Fascism" PART 1
Aaron Russo 2005 "Freedom to Fascism" PART 2
Bruce Gagnon 2006 "The Necessity of the Conversion of the Military Industrial Complex"
•Documentary 2005 "Hidden Massacre"
•Documentary 2005 "Poison Dust"
Dennis Kucinich 2014 “From 9/11 to 11/11”
Documentaries 2005 "Hidden Massacre" & "Poison Dust"
Frank Dorrel 2000 "What I've Learned About U.S. Foreign Policy" PART 1
Frank Dorrel 2000 "What I've Learned About U.S. Foreign Policy" PART 2
Garth Nicolson 2008 "Weaponized Mycoplasmas"
hummux 1994 "The Esselen 4-Color Mandala" & "The First Dam in California NOT Built"
hummux 1999 "THE GRID: Fundamentals of Arthur Young's Theory Of Process"
James Corbett 2014 “Century of Enslavement” PART 1
James Corbett 2014 “Century of Enslavement” PART 2
JFK to 9/11 - Dark Legacy Part A, Jonathan Mark 2012
JFK to 9/11 - Dark Legacy Part B, Jonathan Mark 2012
John Moore 2014 "John Moore for PG Mayor"
•Jonathan Mark 2013 "Dark Legacy: JFK and The FED"
Leonard Shlain 1999 "The Alphabet vs The Goddess"
•Leonard Shlain 1999 "The Alphabet vs The Goddess" Q&A
Peter Janney 2013 “Mary’s Mosaic”
Tedd Weyman 2005 "Depleted Uranium Weapons Are Nuclear Weapons"
Christopher Bollyn
Christopher Bollyn 2005 “Re-Open 9/11 European Tour”
Christopher Bollyn 2014 “Israel Is Behind the 9/11 Attacks and Iraq Wars”
Christopher Bollyn 2015 “Solving 911 Ends the War”
David Ray Griffin
David Ray Griffin 2004 "Truth and Politics"
•David Ray Griffin 2004 "The New Pearl Harbor"
David Ray Griffin 2005 "American Empire"
David Ray Griffin 2005 "Flights of Fancy"
David Ray Griffin 2005 "The Truth Behind 9/11"
•David Ray Griffin 2005 "A Significant Pattern"
David Ray Griffin 2006 "9/11, American Empire, and Christian Faith"
David Ray Griffin 2006 "Myth and Reality"
David Ray Griffin 2007 "Contradictions Q&A" Part 2
David Ray Griffin 2007 "Contradictions" Part 1
David Ray Griffin 2007 "Let's Get Empirical"
David Ray Griffin 2007 "Nationalist Faith"
David Ray Griffin 2008 “Was America Attacked by Muslims on 9/11?” PART 1
David Ray Griffin 2008 “Was America Attacked by Muslims on 9/11?” PART 2
David Ray Griffin 2010 "Building What!?"
David Ray Griffin 2010 "Crooked Agenda"
David Ray Griffin 2011 "911 Miracles"
911 & American Empire 2006 "Intellectuals Speak Out" PART 1 of 2
911 & American Empire 2006 "Intellectuals Speak Out" PART 2 of 2
Spirit Dance 1999 ONE "Amah-Ka-Tura" and "Kumbengo"
Spirit Song 1999 TWO "Joan Baez"
Spirit Drum 1999 THREE "Babatunde Olatunji"
Featured 9/11
David Chandler 2010 "9/11 Analysis"
David Hooper 2014 “Anatomy of a Great Deception”
911Truth 2005 "DC Emergency Truth Convergence"
DC Emergency Truth Convergence 2005 “Being The Media”
Dick Gregory (Full Length) 2013 "Too Few Know"
Massimo Mazzucco 2013 "New Pearl Harbor ONE"
Massimo Mazzucco 2013 "New Pearl Harbor TWO"
Massimo Mazzucco 2013 "New Pearl Harbor THREE"
Massimo Mazzucco 2013 "New Pearl Harbor FOUR"
Massimo Mazzucco 2013 "New Pearl Harbor FIVE"
SnowShoeFilms 2009 "Wellstone: They Killed Him"
Ken O'Keefe
Kevin Ryan
Kevin Ryan 2006 "A New Standard for Deception"
Kevin Ryan 2009 "Emerging Science of World Trade Center Demolitions"
Kevin Ryan's NEW BOOK 2013 "Another Nineteen"
Kevin Ryan 2009 “Active Thermitic Material”
Marijuana is Medicine
•Tom O’Connell 2014 “Fergeson And The Other 102 Killings By Police In August 2014”
Tom O’Connell 2014 “Pot Doc”
Tom O’Connell 2014 “Marijuana is Medicine”
Randy Hurley 2014 “Don’t Impose Darkness on the Future”
Rick Simpson 2008 “Run From the Cure”
More 9/11
•Bob Bowman 2006 "It was Treason"
Carol Brouillet 2004 "Behind Every Terrorist - There is a Bush"
David Rovics 2006 "The Heartland Cafe"
Don Paul & Jim Hoffman 2005 "9/11 Guilt"
Dustin Mugford 2006 "September 11- Revisited"
Dylan Avery 2007 "Loose Change Final Cut"
Erik Lawyer 2010 "Firehouse 911"
Expose 9/11 Myths - Trailer
Frank Legge 2009 "What Hit the Pentagon"
•Gray Brechin 2004 "The Great Endarkenment"
hummux 2004 "Enlightenment is a Full Time Job"
Ian Crane 2005 "The 9/11 -- 7/7 Connection"
•International Inquiry into 9/11 2004 "9/11 Pioneers"
Italian Feature Film 2008 "ZERO: An Investigation into 9/11" PART 1 of 2
Italian Feature Film 2008 "ZERO: An Investigation into 9/11" PART 2 of 2
Jim Hoffman 2004 "WTC Towers Demolition"
•Jim Marrs 2004 "Inside Job"
Jimmy Walter 2004 “Confronting the Evidence”
Ken Jenkins 2004 "Perspective on 9/11"
Ken Jenkins 2004 "Psychological Aspects of 9/11"
•Kevin Danaher 2011 "Learning From 9/11"
•Massimo Mazzucco 2013 "NIST vs. Architects & Engineers"
Meria Heller 2007 "Be the Media!"
Mike Ruppert 2004 "9/11 - No Air Force Fighter Response"
•Nafeez Ahmed 2004 "The War on Freedom"
•Panel Discussion 2004 "9/11 Pioneers"
•Peter Philips 2007 "Global Dominance Group"
Sibel Edmonds 2007 "Kill the Messenger"
SnowShoeFilms 2006 "We Were Also Killed"
William Rodriguez 2006 "9/11 The Last Man Out"
USA – Israel Special Relationships
National Summit 2014 "1. How Does the Israel Lobby Influence Congress?"
National Summit 2014 "2. Does Israel Influence U.S. Decisions to Wage War?"
National Summit 2014 "3. Does the Special Relationship Transcend Rule of Law?”
National Summit 2014 "4. How Did the 'Special Relationship' Come to Be?"
National Summit 2014 "5. Has the Israel Lobby Captured Political Parties and News Media?”
National Summit 2014 "6. Is Israel really a U.S. ally?"
Other Emergencies [911]
Times Square Rally Opposing Jerusalem As Capital of Israel
•Jonathan Mark 2014 “No Fracking Way”Dr. Ivan Van Sertima 1986 “Obliterate the Columbus Myth”
hummux 1999 "The Biological Weapon Origins of AIDS and the Blood Electrification Cure"
Jeffrey M. Smith 2012 "Risk and Politics of GMOs"
•The Gaia Foundation 2012 "Seeds of Freedom"
Zone Zero 2010 "Humanure"
Dr. Ivan Van Sertima 1986 “Obliterate the Columbus Myth”
Interview with William R. Catton, Jr.
The Power and Potential of Nonviolent Struggle by Gene Sharp
Ross Ashcroft 2012 "Four Horsemen"
Stephanie Seneff 2013 “Monsanto American Genocide Project”
YouTube Link - YouTube Channel
PEGmedia Link - 911TV Shows For Public Access TV Stations
Richard Gage
9/11 Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out
Richard Gage 2008 "Blueprint for Truth"
Richard Gage 2009 "Architecture of Destruction"
Richard Gage 2014 “Our Best Worldwide TV Coverage”
Richard Gage 2014 “Washington Journal”
Steven Jones
•Steven Jones 2006 "Interview with Barrie Zwicker"
Steven Jones 2006 "Hypothesis"
Steven Jones 2006 "Science and Ethics"
Steven Jones 2007 "Truth, Justice, Peace"
Steven Jones 2009 "NanoThermite"
Steven Jones 2009 "Science and Society"
Steven Jones 2011 "From 9/11 to New Energy"
Toronto Hearings, September 2012
•9/11 - Uncovering Ten Years Of Deception - Intro From 5 Episode Series
9/11 - Uncovering Ten Years Of Deception, Episode 1/5
9/11 - Uncovering Ten Years Of Deception, Episode 2/5
9/11 - Uncovering Ten Years Of Deception, Episode 3/5
9/11 - Uncovering Ten Years Of Deception, Episode 4/5
9/11 - Uncovering Ten Years Of Deception, Episode 5/5
Understanding Deep Politics
Annie Machon 2010 "Using Our Intelligence"
Dahlia Wasfi 2010 "Israel's Influence on the U.S"
Ellen Brown 2010 "Web of Debt"
Peter Dale Scott 2010 "Continuity of Government"
•Peter Phillips 2010 "Deliberate Propaganda"
•John F. Kennedy 1963 "American University Peace Speech"
Full Alphabetic List of 911TV Shows
Hour Shows (58 minutes max)
Zone Zero 2010 "Humanure" |
Half Hour Shows (28 minutes max)
•International Inquiry into 9/11 2004 "Highlights" |