Saturday, June 4, 2016

Ken O’Keefe 29 April 2016 “From the Heart - HD” - Strong Language

Friday 29 April 2016
Toronto, Ontario, CANADA

Ken speaks from the heart about his awakening and how you as an individual, can positively impact and influence all of humanity, not just for now but for all future generations.

Ken O’Keefe is a former Marine, US citizen, human shield in Iraq, and activist on board the Mavi Marvara.  Ken renounced US citizenship at the US Embassy in Vancouver, Canada on March 1, 2001.  Now holding Irish, Hawaiian & Palestinian citizenship; but ultimate allegiance is given to all life and to planet Earth.
A lawfully declared world citizen, O'Keefe explains:  my ultimate allegiance is to my entire human family and to planet Earth.

For background on Ken O’Keefe, see this article by Craig McKee:
Cutting off the head of the snake: Ken O’Keefe on beating the bankers, Israeli brutality, and the 9/11 ‘gift’:
Tags: Ken O’Keefe, WorldCitizen.Solutions, Human Shield to Iraq, Geopolitics, False Flag Operations, World Solutions, Moral Philosophy,
Produced: 2016, Episode: KOK-FTH-HD-PTV,
Category: Education, 58:00

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