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Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
Paul Craig Roberts - 9/11 A Product Of Neoconservatives, Dick Cheney & Israel
Paul Craig Roberts: In my opinion 9/11 was the
product of the neoconservatives, almost all of whom are Jewish, Dick
Cheney, and Israel.
Its purpose was to provide “the new Pearl Harbor” that the neoconservatives said was necessary to launch their wars of conquest in the Middle East. I don’t know how far back it was planned, but Silverstein was obviously part of it and he had not had the WTC for very long before 9/11.
As for the bombing of the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, US Air Force General Partin, the Air Force’s munitions expert, prepared an expert report proving beyond all doubt that the building blew up from the inside out and that the truck bomb was cover. Congress and the media ignored his report. The patsy, McVeigh, was already set up, and that was the only story allowed.
Paul Craig Roberts: I have never seen any evidence that the US controls Israel. All the evidence is that Israel controls the US, but only its MidEast policy. In recent years, Israel or the Israel Lobby, has been able to control or block academic appointments in the US and tenure for professors considered to be critics of Israel.
Israel has successfully reached into both Catholic and State universities to block tenure and appointments. Israel can also block some presidential appointments and has vast influence over the print and TV media.
The Israel Lobby also has plenty of money for political campaign funds and never fails to unseat US Representatives and Senators considered critical of Israel. The Israel lobby was able to reach into the black congressional district of Cynthia McKinney, a black woman, and defeat her reelection.
As Admiral Tom Moorer, Chief of Naval Operations and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said: “No American President can stand up to Israel.” Adm. Moorer could not even get an official investigation of Israel’s deadly attack on the USS Liberty in 1967.
Anyone who criticizes Israeli policies even in a helpful way is labeled an “anti-Semite.”
In American politics, media, and universities, this is a death-dealing blow. You might as well get hit with a hellfire missile.
See the full article:
Neoconservative Ideology “Supports US Financial and Military-Political Imperialism” By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts and The Saker, March 24, 201
Its purpose was to provide “the new Pearl Harbor” that the neoconservatives said was necessary to launch their wars of conquest in the Middle East. I don’t know how far back it was planned, but Silverstein was obviously part of it and he had not had the WTC for very long before 9/11.
As for the bombing of the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, US Air Force General Partin, the Air Force’s munitions expert, prepared an expert report proving beyond all doubt that the building blew up from the inside out and that the truck bomb was cover. Congress and the media ignored his report. The patsy, McVeigh, was already set up, and that was the only story allowed.
Paul Craig Roberts: I have never seen any evidence that the US controls Israel. All the evidence is that Israel controls the US, but only its MidEast policy. In recent years, Israel or the Israel Lobby, has been able to control or block academic appointments in the US and tenure for professors considered to be critics of Israel.
Israel has successfully reached into both Catholic and State universities to block tenure and appointments. Israel can also block some presidential appointments and has vast influence over the print and TV media.
The Israel Lobby also has plenty of money for political campaign funds and never fails to unseat US Representatives and Senators considered critical of Israel. The Israel lobby was able to reach into the black congressional district of Cynthia McKinney, a black woman, and defeat her reelection.
As Admiral Tom Moorer, Chief of Naval Operations and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said: “No American President can stand up to Israel.” Adm. Moorer could not even get an official investigation of Israel’s deadly attack on the USS Liberty in 1967.
Anyone who criticizes Israeli policies even in a helpful way is labeled an “anti-Semite.”
In American politics, media, and universities, this is a death-dealing blow. You might as well get hit with a hellfire missile.
See the full article:
Neoconservative Ideology “Supports US Financial and Military-Political Imperialism” By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts and The Saker, March 24, 201
Paul Craig Roberts
Paul Craig Roberts has had careers in scholarship and academia, journalism, public service, and business. He is chairman of The Institute for Political Economy.
These include:
- Stanford University where he was Senior Research Fellow in the Hoover Institution
- associate editor and columnist for The Wall Street Journal and columnist for Business Week and the Scripps Howard News Service.
- President Reagan appointed Dr. Roberts Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy and he was confirmed in office by the U.S. Senate.
- latest book is How the Economy Was Lost: The War of the Worlds, published in January, 2010 by CounterPunch/AK Press.
Paul Craig Roberts
Paul Craig Roberts has had careers in scholarship and academia, journalism, public service, and business. He is chairman of The Institute for Political Economy.
These include:
- Stanford University where he was Senior Research Fellow in the Hoover Institution
- associate editor and columnist for The Wall Street Journal and columnist for Business Week and the Scripps Howard News Service.
- President Reagan appointed Dr. Roberts Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy and he was confirmed in office by the U.S. Senate.
- latest book is How the Economy Was Lost: The War of the Worlds, published in January, 2010 by CounterPunch/AK Press.
Monday, March 23, 2015
Eight Great Reads at the Journal of 9/11 Studies
Posted on March 22, 2015 by Kevin Ryan
Eight Great Reads at the Journal of 9/11 Studies
This summer will mark the ninth anniversary of the Journal of 9/11 Studies.
In that time, my co-editors and I have published over 150 peer-reviewed
articles and letters addressing various aspects of the 9/11 crimes.
Although it can be hard, thankless work, the job of co-editor has also
been rewarding and I’ve learned a great deal.
publishing articles in mainstream journals, I’ve learned that our
peer-review process is at least as rigorous as that of others. At our Journal,
submissions often fail to pass the editor’s initial assessment and are
never reviewed. Of the remainder, dozens have failed to make it through
the peer-review process to become published. It’s definitely a
disappointment when that happens but it’s important that whatever we
publish lives up to certain standards. The end result is a
treasure-trove of reliable research, freely available on the web.
For example, here are six articles and two letters that should be widely read.
Intersecting Facts and Theories on 9/11, by Joseph P. Firmage
118 Witnesses: The Firefighter’s Testimony to Explosions in the Twin Towers, by Graeme MacQueen
Extremely high temperatures during the World Trade Center destruction, by Steven E. Jones, et.al
Obstacles to Persuasion: Lessons from the Classroom, by Mark Vorobej
Falsifiability and the NIST WTC Report: A Study in Theoretical Adequacy, by Anonymous and F. Legge
Letter on the 11th anniversary of 9/11, by Lorie Van Auken
Letter to the Royal Society from Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, from the Board of Directors, AE911Truth
The “Strategy of Tension” in the Cold War Period, by Daniele Ganser
These eight papers are just a sampling of the wide-range of peer-reviewed research and commentary available at the Journal of 9/11 Studies. If you want to learn more about that fateful day through an evidence-based approach, the Journal is
a great resource. For anyone interested in contributing, we continue to
seek out new perspectives that have not yet been expressed. Guidelines for submission are published at the website.
Eight Great Reads at the Journal of 9/11 Studies

For example, here are six articles and two letters that should be widely read.
Intersecting Facts and Theories on 9/11, by Joseph P. Firmage
This short article was published in August
2006. It presents a comparison of competing theories for what happened
on 9/11 with respect to known facts. The comparison clearly shows that
the “create a new reality” theory, in which U.S. officials were involved
in the attacks, is by far more sensible than other possibilities.
This highly influential article focuses on
eyewitness testimonies to the World Trade Center (WTC) destruction. The
testimonies were collected by New York City officials after 9/11 and
then kept secret for nearly four years. Professor MacQueen delves into
these explosive eyewitness accounts in a way that makes clear why
officials did not want the public to see them.
This lucid article from January 2008 was a
breakthrough in 9/11 research. Establishing the WTC thermite theory on a
firm grounding of experimental evidence, it set the stage for a series
of scientific articles that were published in multiple journals. In the
future, this breakthrough article may be seen as one of the greatest
contributions to forensic science.
This December 2008 article is from a
professor of philosophy who examined the responses of university
students as they were exposed to alternative explanations for 9/11. In a
five-week segment of his course on Argumentation Theory, Professor
Vorobej was able to lead his students to objectively examine 9/11 from
different perspectives while fostering further, constructive debate.
In March 2010, we published this
examination of the scientific principle of falsifiability in light of
U.S. government reports on the WTC destruction. This often-overlooked
article is well constructed and provides detail on why the official
reports failed to meet some of the most critical requirements of the
scientific method.
A series of nine letters was published on
the tenth anniversary of 9/11. The letters came from leading
researchers, activists, and legal experts around the world. Perhaps the
most compelling contribution was that of Lorie Van Auken, whose husband
Kenneth was killed in the north tower on 9/11.
In June 2012, we published a letter that
was sent from the board of directors of AE911Truth to Paul Nurse,
president of the Royal Society in England. The letter emphasized how the
official account for what happened at the WTC was in direct
contradiction to the laws of motion described by one of the Royal
Society’s most famous members—Sir Isaac Newton.
In May 2014, Swiss historian Daniele
Ganser contributed this updated version of a previously published
article. Dr. Ganser’s article provides important historical perspective
for considering what happened on 9/11. His conclusion, based on
historical fact, is that objections to U.S. government or military
involvement in 9/11 are based on unsupportable, a priori arguments.
9/11 & 'War on Terrorism' Articles - Frequently Updated - By Global Research
9/11 & 'War on Terrorism' Articles - Frequently Updated - By Global Research
Global Research
- Centre for Research on Globalization / Centre de recherche sur la mondialisation
The Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG) is an independent research and media organization based in Montreal.
The Global Research website at www.globalresearch.ca publishes news articles, commentary, background research and analysis on a broad range of issues, focusing on social, economic, strategic and environmental issues.
Recent 9/11 & 'War on Terrorism' articles from Global Research
Ironically, the anti-terrorist legislation does not apply to
politicians in high office. Individuals can be arrested but presidents
and prime ministers are allowed to mingle and socialize with family
members of the World’s most renowned terrorist.
The crimes committed in the name of 9/11 involving acts of war are
far-reaching, resulting in the deaths of millions of people as well as
the destruction of entire countries.
False flag operations and assassinations are a central component of
the elaborate psychological warfare campaign waged on the American
public to justify the so-called “global war on terrorism,”
On May 2nd, 2011, US President Barack H. Obama announces to the world
that Osama Bin-Laden had been killed by US Navy Seals (Seal Team Six)
in an special operation in Abbottabad, Pakistan
9/11 Truth: Eight Great Reads at the Journal of 9/11 Studies By Kevin Ryan, March 23, 2015
BBC Foreknowledge of 9/11 Collapse of WTC Building Seven: British Man Won Law Suit against BBC for 9/11 Cover Up By Global Research News, March 22, 2015
The Destruction of WTC Buildings on September 11, 2001. A Court Hearing in an Adversarial Evidentiary Proceeding. Admissibility of Expert Testimony By Stevan Douglas Looney, J.D., March 23, 2015
How Did They Know? Examining 9/11 Foreknowledge of WTC Building 7’s Destruction By Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, March 22, 2015
Post 9/11 “Terror Trials”: The Strange Case Against Abid Naseer By Binoy Kampmark, March 18, 2015
The 9/11 Commission Didn’t Believe the Government … So Why Should We? By Washington's Blog, March 13, 2015
What Happened on the Planes on September 11, 2001? The 9/11 Commission “Script” Was Fabricated By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, March 13, 2015
911 Truth: Distinguished Scientist Dr. Niels Harrit Sues Danish Newspaper for Libel By Richard Gage, March 03, 2015
Since 9/11, the U.S. Has Been Involved in More Than 5 Wars … and They Have All Been Disasters By Washington's Blog, February 20, 2015
Backlash by Church of England: Vicar Banned From Social Media for Endorsing 9/11 Truth By Peter Drew, February 19, 2015
On the Morning of 9/11 at the Pentagon: Conflicting Accounts on the Activities of Brig. Gen. Montague Winfield By Consensus911.org, February 07, 2015
Why was a Rookie Navy Captain in Charge of the US National Military Command Center while the 9/11 Attacks were Unfolding? By Consensus911.org, February 06, 2015
Al-Qaeda, Saudi Arabia and Israel By Robert Parry, February 06, 2015
Saudi Arabia, 9/11 and the “War on Terror” By Patrick Martin, February 06, 2015
More ...
Global Research
- Centre for Research on Globalization / Centre de recherche sur la mondialisation
The Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG) is an independent research and media organization based in Montreal.
The Global Research website at www.globalresearch.ca publishes news articles, commentary, background research and analysis on a broad range of issues, focusing on social, economic, strategic and environmental issues.
Recent 9/11 & 'War on Terrorism' articles from Global Research
Psychological Warfare and the “False Flag” Meme
By Prof. James F. Tracy,
May 01, 2014
9/11 Truth: Eight Great Reads at the Journal of 9/11 Studies By Kevin Ryan, March 23, 2015
BBC Foreknowledge of 9/11 Collapse of WTC Building Seven: British Man Won Law Suit against BBC for 9/11 Cover Up By Global Research News, March 22, 2015
The Destruction of WTC Buildings on September 11, 2001. A Court Hearing in an Adversarial Evidentiary Proceeding. Admissibility of Expert Testimony By Stevan Douglas Looney, J.D., March 23, 2015
How Did They Know? Examining 9/11 Foreknowledge of WTC Building 7’s Destruction By Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, March 22, 2015
Post 9/11 “Terror Trials”: The Strange Case Against Abid Naseer By Binoy Kampmark, March 18, 2015
The 9/11 Commission Didn’t Believe the Government … So Why Should We? By Washington's Blog, March 13, 2015
What Happened on the Planes on September 11, 2001? The 9/11 Commission “Script” Was Fabricated By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, March 13, 2015
911 Truth: Distinguished Scientist Dr. Niels Harrit Sues Danish Newspaper for Libel By Richard Gage, March 03, 2015
Since 9/11, the U.S. Has Been Involved in More Than 5 Wars … and They Have All Been Disasters By Washington's Blog, February 20, 2015
Backlash by Church of England: Vicar Banned From Social Media for Endorsing 9/11 Truth By Peter Drew, February 19, 2015
On the Morning of 9/11 at the Pentagon: Conflicting Accounts on the Activities of Brig. Gen. Montague Winfield By Consensus911.org, February 07, 2015
Why was a Rookie Navy Captain in Charge of the US National Military Command Center while the 9/11 Attacks were Unfolding? By Consensus911.org, February 06, 2015
Al-Qaeda, Saudi Arabia and Israel By Robert Parry, February 06, 2015
Saudi Arabia, 9/11 and the “War on Terror” By Patrick Martin, February 06, 2015
More ...
Saturday, March 21, 2015
@911TVorg - Now Live On Twitter
Check out 911TV.org now on Twitte - @911TVorg
Follow @911TVorg for the latest 911TV.org updates.
Christopher Bollyn's "Solving 911 Ends the War" is there - Tweet away!
Follow @911TVorg for the latest 911TV.org updates.
Christopher Bollyn's "Solving 911 Ends the War" is there - Tweet away!
Blog.911TV.org - Introducing 911TV's Blog - Great Viewing On Handheld Devices Too
Introducing 911TV's Blog: http://Blog.911TV.org
Now even easier to view on handheld devices!
Watch 911TV's shows on your cell phone, table, iPad etc at Blog.911TV.org .
View 911TV's latest release > Christopher Bollyn 2015 “Solving 911 Ends the War” (Full & Two Parts)
Yesterday there were over 10,000 views. This morning there are over 11,600 and counting.
See the graph of acceleration of views on the blog: Off The Charts - Over 10,000 Views In Two Weeks - Christopher Bollyn 2015 “Solving 911 Ends the War”
PEGMedia.org is a website where Public TV Stations can go to download important videos for Public TV broadcasts to your community. Here is the link for this show PEGMedia-Solving 911 Ends the War .
Your help is needed to contact your LOCAL public access TV station and request that your LOCAL station download these videos from PEGMedia.org and broadcast them. Phone your local Public TV station - calls from local viewers make all the difference in the world.
Take the time to view Christopher Bollyn 2015 “Solving 911 Ends the War”
and pass the link on and on so others can view how 9/11 happened and who was involved.
Show DescriptionIn the name of 9/11, “wars have been waged, governments overthrown, and an untold number of lives sacrificed.” Yet 9/11 is an unsolved crime of terrorism and mass murder, with no trial and no serious investigation. This elaborately planned criminal deception was carried out “with the intention that the public would be deceived with a false explanation blaming the atrocity on Osama Bin Laden and Al Quaida....”
Christopher Bollyn states he has written “Solving 9-11: the Deception that Changed the World” because he could not remain indifferent and silent...”as the lies about 9/11 were used to wage wars of aggression and transform American into a police state.”
An investigative journalist from Illinois, Bollyn sojourned in Europe and the Middle East before studying languages, history and journalism at UC Davis and Santa Cruz. His degree in history focused on the Israeli occupation of Palestine. He has written in-depth articles about the Middle East, electronic vote fraud, the dangers of depleted uranium, and the history and geo-political background of 9/11.
In 2007, Bollyn and his family moved to Sweden when his research into 9/11 brought about his being attacked by undercover police and then charged with assaulting them. He began writing this book and has been touring in the US with the hope of raising the consciousness of the American public and exposing the true culprits.
Readers of his book have said it is “the top-notch work of the 9/11 collection and ...the work of a brave genius...information we can use to reformulate our worldview....gives me hope that truth and liberty can ultimately prevail.”
More information at www.bollyn.com.
Now even easier to view on handheld devices!
Watch 911TV's shows on your cell phone, table, iPad etc at Blog.911TV.org .
View 911TV's latest release > Christopher Bollyn 2015 “Solving 911 Ends the War” (Full & Two Parts)
Yesterday there were over 10,000 views. This morning there are over 11,600 and counting.
See the graph of acceleration of views on the blog: Off The Charts - Over 10,000 Views In Two Weeks - Christopher Bollyn 2015 “Solving 911 Ends the War”
PEGMedia.org is a website where Public TV Stations can go to download important videos for Public TV broadcasts to your community. Here is the link for this show PEGMedia-Solving 911 Ends the War .
Your help is needed to contact your LOCAL public access TV station and request that your LOCAL station download these videos from PEGMedia.org and broadcast them. Phone your local Public TV station - calls from local viewers make all the difference in the world.
Take the time to view Christopher Bollyn 2015 “Solving 911 Ends the War”
and pass the link on and on so others can view how 9/11 happened and who was involved.
Show DescriptionIn the name of 9/11, “wars have been waged, governments overthrown, and an untold number of lives sacrificed.” Yet 9/11 is an unsolved crime of terrorism and mass murder, with no trial and no serious investigation. This elaborately planned criminal deception was carried out “with the intention that the public would be deceived with a false explanation blaming the atrocity on Osama Bin Laden and Al Quaida....”
Christopher Bollyn states he has written “Solving 9-11: the Deception that Changed the World” because he could not remain indifferent and silent...”as the lies about 9/11 were used to wage wars of aggression and transform American into a police state.”
An investigative journalist from Illinois, Bollyn sojourned in Europe and the Middle East before studying languages, history and journalism at UC Davis and Santa Cruz. His degree in history focused on the Israeli occupation of Palestine. He has written in-depth articles about the Middle East, electronic vote fraud, the dangers of depleted uranium, and the history and geo-political background of 9/11.
In 2007, Bollyn and his family moved to Sweden when his research into 9/11 brought about his being attacked by undercover police and then charged with assaulting them. He began writing this book and has been touring in the US with the hope of raising the consciousness of the American public and exposing the true culprits.
Readers of his book have said it is “the top-notch work of the 9/11 collection and ...the work of a brave genius...information we can use to reformulate our worldview....gives me hope that truth and liberty can ultimately prevail.”
More information at www.bollyn.com.
Thursday, March 19, 2015
Off The Charts - Over 10,000 Views In Two Weeks - Christopher Bollyn 2015 “Solving 911 Ends the War”
Christopher Bollyn's just released presentation, filmed by 911TV, “Solving
911 Ends the War” on YouTube is being shared like wild fire. Naming names and show how 911 was done is catching attention.
Pass this Blog.911TV.org entry on to your lists, facebook, twitter and everywhere else.
A description of the show along with the Youtube show is on Blog.911TV.org here:
Pass this Blog.911TV.org entry on to your lists, facebook, twitter and everywhere else.
A description of the show along with the Youtube show is on Blog.911TV.org here:
> NEW - Christopher Bollyn 2015 “Solving 911 Ends the War”
Over 10,000 views by 19 Mar 2015.
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
See Updated Show At New Link - Christopher Bollyn 2015 “Solving 911 Ends the War”
See the updated show here: Christopher Bollyn 2015 “Solving 911 Ends the War” (Full & Two Parts) More 911TV Films On YouTube: http://youtube.com/911TVorg -- 911TV’s Blog http://Blog.911tv.org -- 911TV's Website http://www.911TV.org -- |
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