Dr. Tom has been an advocate for medical marijuana for many years.
While a retired surgeon, he was recruited to interview patients and give
recommendations as proscribed by California’s Proposition 215. Having a
clientele that was willing to use a medication for which they could be
jailed and fined intrigued him and he began to take careful notes as he
interviewed patients. In this video, Tom shows that the Controlled Substances Act (Nixon's Law) was enacted for political reasons, to punish the hippies, and was not based on medical science. In fact, the Shafer Commission that congress formed to study the issue, said it should be de-criminalized! This is available at http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/artic... Nixon’s fraud is exposed at http://www.beyondthc.com/wp-content/u... Tom has accumulated a database of over 7000 patients that he is in the process of analyzing in detail, but he has made some fascinating preliminary findings. For example, many patients seem to use marijuana to compensate for an absent or neglectful father. “Cannabis Use in Adolescence: Self-Medication for Anxiety” (http://www.beyondthc.com/wp-content/u...) “Long term marijuana users seeking medical cannabis in California (2001–2007): demographics, social characteristics, patterns of cannabis and other drug use of 4117 applicants” (http://www.harmreductionjournal.com/c...) -- Tags: Tom O’Connell, Medical Marijuana, Pot Doc, Proposition 215, Absent father, Resentment, Schedule One, Cannabis, Shafer Commission, -- |
Phone your local public access TV station and ask them to broadcast this film to your local community. Your station can download the film in TV broadcast format from PEGMedia.org . This film is available for any Public Access TV station in the country - and world - to broadcast. Stations that use Telvue, DVDs or other media can contact 911TV1@gmail.com for instructions. -- This PEGMedia Episode - For Public Access TV Stations: http://www.pegmedia.org/index.php?q=msvr/ep/22411/detail -- More 911TV Films On PEGMedia - For Public Access TV http://www.pegmedia.org/index.php?q=msvr/showall/587/detail Category: Education, 58:00 -- View This Show On YouTube: https://youtu.be/LETfyZ50_S0 -- More 911TV Films On YouTube: http://youtube.com/911TVorg -- 911TV’s Blog http://Blog.911tv.org -- 911TV's Website http://www.911TV.org -- |
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