Roadmap to Apartheid, a feature-length documentary by filmmakers Ana
Nogueira (a white South African) and Eron Davidson (a Jewish
American-Israeli), is an extremely ambitious project that is largely
successful in achieving the difficult goals it sets for itself.
Narrated by Alice Walker. Roadmap is the first documentary to offer an in-depth exploration of parallels between the South African and Israeli forms of apartheid. It also presents the material in such a way as to serve as a comprehensive and accessible introduction for audiences with no prior exposure to the issue. The sheer breadth of the aspects of Israeli and South African apartheid that the film explores and compares will likely exceed the expectations of many viewers. The filmmakers cover nearly everything: siege mentality, colonialism, forced migration, checkpoints, passes, foreign natives, present absentees, refugee issues, partition and proxy rule, bombing and boycotts, bulldozers and Bantustans. -- Tags: 911, Roadmap to Apartheid, Ana Nogueira, Eron Davidson, Alice Walker, Apartheid, South Africa, Israel, siege mentality, colonialism, forced migration, checkpoints, passes, foreign natives, present absentees, refugee issues, partition, proxy rule, bombing, boycotts, bulldozers, Bantustans, -- Produced: 2012, Episode: N&D_RTA, -- 58:04, Category: Education -- |
Youtube show not available. It is available for public TV broadcasts.
Phone your local public access TV station and ask them to broadcast this film to your local community. Your station can download the film in TV broadcast format from . This film is available for any Public Access TV station in the country - and world - to broadcast. Stations that use Telvue, DVDs or other media can contact for instructions. -- This PEGMedia Episode - For Public Access TV Stations: -- More 911TV Films On PEGMedia - For Public Access TV Stations: Not available. -- More 911TV Films On YouTube: -- 911TV’s Blog -- 911TV's Website -- |
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