USS Liberty Veteran Don Pageler spoke in Historic Fellowship Hall in Berkeley, California on Saturday 25 June 2016 about the attack on the USS Liberty by Israel on June 8, 1967. Don Pageler gives his first-hand account of how the USS Liberty, a virtually unarmed American navy ship, was attacked by Israeli planes and torpedo boats on June 8, 1967. 34 American sailors were killed and 174 injured that day, a causality rate of 70%. This is among the highest casualty rates ever inflicted upon a U.S. naval vessel. President Lyndon Johnson recalled the planes that responded to the distress call, saying he didn’t care if they all died, he did not want to embarrass an ally. Hear about one of the biggest cover-ups in American military history! Was it to prevent the US intelligence signals ship from learning that Israel was going to seize the Golan Heights from Syria? Don Pageler survived the attack and the post-traumatic stress from the nightmare experience and from “survivors guilt” after so many shipmates did not survive or were maimed and disabled for life. Lots of photos from the Liberty. The event was sponsored by No Lies Radio and the Social Justice Committee of the Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists (BFUU). SJC Activist Vic Sadot was the videographer and MC for the evening. Allan Rees was the producer. hummux did the post-production audio-visual edit, credits, and video upload. After you listen to Don’s story, you’ll know America has been hijacked by gangster elites. The same people who inflicted the 9/11 psyop on America. -- Tags: Don Pageler, Israeli Preemptive Strike, 6 Day War, Catastrophe, Al-Nakba, -- Produced: 2016, Episode: DP-LS HD, Category: Education, 58:00 -- |
Phone your local public TV station and ask them to broadcast this film to your local community. Your station can download the film in TV broadcast format from . This film is available for any Public TV station in the country - and world - to broadcast. Stations that use Telvue, DVDs or other media can contact for instructions. -- The HD PEGMedia Episode: The SD PEGMedia Episode: -- More 911TV Films On PEGMedia -- View This HD Show On YouTube: -- More 911TV Films On YouTube: -- 911TV’s Blog -- 911TV's Website Break of Dawn 2011 “Justice for Liberty” is at Tito Howard 1967 “Loss of Liberty” is at Remember 8 June 1967 “Loss of Liberty” SD is at |
Sunday, July 17, 2016
Don Pageler 2016 “USS Liberty Survivor” HD
Wednesday, July 13, 2016
Dane Wigington 2014 “Weather Warfare”
Planet Earth is under an all out weather warfare assault. In this video, Dane Wigington gives another presentation in Northern California on the harmful effects of Geoengineering, declaring that there is virtually NO NATURAL WEATHER due to the massive global climate engineering. The very essentials needed to sustain life on earth are being recklessly destroyed by these programs. This is not a topic that will begin to affect us in several years, but is now already causing massive animal and plant die off around the world, as well as human illness. The debate over whether geoengineering programs are going on is now a moot point. We have more than enough data to confirm it. We have actual footage showing tankers spraying. The materials showing up on the ground are exactly the same materials mentioned in the numerous geoengineering patents and documents. Visit our website for a list of these government patents and documents. Our skies today are simply not normal or natural. Upon examination and observation, this cannot be denied. Our skies have been filled with grid patterns, horizon to horizon trails, and other forms of sprayed aerosol cloud formations for so long now that most now accept this completely unnatural cloud cover as "normal". Sadly, the fact is that people do not even look up. To be clear, what we are seeing is not cloud seeding to increase rainfall. These jet sprayed nano particulates of heavy metals and chemicals are designed to block the sun and manipulate the jet stream. Dane explains how this is contributing to the droughts and deluges being experienced around the globe. Our atmosphere is nothing but a massive physics lab to geoengineering scientists who have no concern whatsoever about the consequences to humanity or any living thing, including themselves. The experiments are literally derailing Earth's climate system and decimating the entire web of life. -- |
Phone your local public access TV station and ask them to broadcast this film to your local community. Your station can download the film in TV broadcast format from . This film is available for any Public Access TV station in the country - and world - to broadcast. Stations that use Telvue, DVDs or other media can contact for instructions. -- This PEGMedia Episode - For Public Access TV Stations: XXXhttp..../detailXXX -- More 911TV Films On PEGMedia - For Public Access TV Stations: -- View This Show On YouTube: -- More 911TV Films On YouTube: -- Tags: 911,Weather Warfare, Dane Wigington, 2014, -- 911TV’s Blog -- 911TV's Website -- |
Dane Wigington, et. al. 2014 “GeoEngineering Action”
On July 15th, 2014, more than 400 citizens from Northern California
rallied to create the largest attendance ever at the Shasta County
Supervisors chambers. The purpose of the meeting was to present information that proves there is a very dire heavy metal contamination and UV radiation issue across the Shasta County region (and the world). Ten experts presented data to the board to confirm the legitimacy of the concerns being addressed. The Air Quality Management District Board took a vote and it was unanimous to look further into the matter of nano aluminum environmental disaster caused by chemtrails, including a DEMAND for a response. The Shasta County board voted to send information from the meeting to the Environmental Protection Agency and the California Air Resources Board, as well as legislators. -- Produced: 2014 , Episode: DW-GA, Category: Education, 58:00 -- More 911TV Films On PEGMedia -- View This Show On YouTube: -- More 911TV Films On YouTube: -- |
Phone your local public access TV station and ask them to broadcast this film to your local community. Your station can download the film in TV broadcast format from . This film is available for any Public Access TV station in the country - and world - to broadcast. Stations that use Telvue, DVDs or other media can contact for instructions. -- This PEGMedia Episode - For Public Access TV Stations: (PEGMedia Episode Link) -- More 911TV Films On PEGMedia - For Public Access TV Stations: -- 911TV's Website -- Tags: 911,Dane Wigington, 2014, GeoEngineering Action, -- |
11 Bravo Vietnam - A Soldiers Story - Documentary
Vincent Gabriel, Jr returned from his tour of duty in Vietnam thirty
eight years ago. He fought in the Tet offensive of 1968. Now Gabriel, a
noted Midcoast Maine musician, has committed his experiences to songs
and a series of spoken vignettes. The result is the moving documentary,
11 Bravo Vietnam, A Soldiers Story. The 55 minute presentation consists
of songs and spoken memories with a multimedia accompaniment of
documentary footage and personal photographs. 11 Bravo Vietnam, A Soldiers Story is a virtual scrapbook of one young man’s experiences in combat from the day he receives word of his induction to his homecoming. He sings of terribly brief friendships on the battle field, the searing awareness of his mortality and the random forces which preserve one life and take another. He tells of the importance of family and humor. It's a deeply personal tale. A tale, he notes, which is only one among a million others. And now that American men and women are again deployed half a world away in Iraq and Afghanistan , Gabriel’s memoir is more relevant than ever. As the news media flash footage of anonymous warriors and cite statistics, 11 Bravo reminds us that each one of those figures on the screen has a dream for the future, hopes and loved ones, and a constant fear. Gabriel’s documentary is not about policy, or politicians, or generals. 11 Bravo is about the combat soldier’s day to day struggle for survival in the chaos of a war - survival of the soul as well as of the body. Vincent Gabriel served as a point man, radio operator with Charlie Company, Second Battalion, 18th Regiment, First Infantry Division during the 1968 Tet Offensive. -- |
Phone your local public access TV station and ask them to broadcast this film to your local community. Your station can download the film in TV broadcast format from . This film is available for any Public Access TV station in the country - and world - to broadcast. Stations that use Telvue, DVDs or other media can contact for instructions. -- This episode is on PEGMedia - for public access TV stations - in ready for TV broadcast format SD: HD: -- More 911TV Films On PEGMedia - For Public Access TV Stations: -- Published: May 21, 2009, ID: FJ104 Category: Education, 57:59 -- View On YouTube -- More from - Film For Justice - on YouTube -- 911TV’s Blog -- 911TV's Website -- |
Tuesday, July 12, 2016
Rulers of the Realm Introduction
This lecture series will focus on the small group of men who control
foreign and domestic policy of the United States from behind the scenes. This small group of people had roles in the Kennedy assassination, the Watergate burglary, the resignation of Nixon, the Warren Commission, the creation and running of the Central Intelligence Agency, the funding of the Third Reich, the rise of Hitler, and the supply of heroin to the United States from Southeast Asia via Cuba, to name a few. In addition to these “Rulers of the Realm,” this class will focus on those that have opposed such activities, beginning with the rise of the Chautauqua Movement. -- Tags: 911, Daniel Sheehan, Rulers of the Realm, Kennedy, Watergate, CIA, Nixon, -- Published: Sep 9, 2016, ID: FJ106 RR01 Category: Education, 1:25:40 -- View On YouTube -- More from - Film For Justice - on YouTube 911TV’s Blog -- 911TV's Website -- Film Website |
Phone your local public access TV station and ask them to broadcast this film to your local community. Your station can download the film in TV broadcast format from . This film is available for any Public Access TV station in the country - and world - to broadcast. Stations that use Telvue, DVDs or other media can contact for instructions. -- This episode is on PEGMedia - for public access TV stations - in ready for TV broadcast format SD: HD: -- More PEGMedia Films From - Film For Justice - For Public Access TV Stations |
Monday, July 11, 2016
Daniel Sheehan - The Role of the Public Intellectual
Daniel Sheehan's opening class of "The Role of the Public Intellectual,"
which looks at the current crises humanity faces, and ways to confront
and overcome these crises. Daniel Sheehan's 14 lecture series - The Role of the Public Intellectual. Confront the issues of unjust structures to come to understand that the only source of power that is going to push you to the absolute extreme limits of your intellectual capabilities to find peaceful solutions is a spiritual life. If you approach this secularly and seek out answers solely intellectually you will find that they do not exist. Learn more about Romero Institute's various lecture series The Romero Institute - YouTube playlist for this series of lectures Romero Institute - YouTube playlists Romero Institute - YouTube Learn more about Daniel Sheehan: -- Show Tags: Daniel Sheehan, Crisis, Humanity, Confront, Overcome Series Tags: Daniel Sheehan, Public Intellectual, Structures, Power, Intellectual, Peace, Spiritual, Secular, Beliefs, Ideologies, Nation, Private, Financial, Institutions, Western Culture, Capitalism, Superiority, Race, Gender, Inferiority, Scientific, Logical, Positivism, Materialism, Long Range, Goals, Emotional, Short Term, Nationalism, Military, Economic, Indoctrination, Constraints, Consciousness, Political Action, Truth, Secret, Civilization, -- Published: Nov 3, 2015, ID: Episode ID Category: Education, MM:SS;FF -- |
Phone your local public access TV station and ask them to broadcast this film to your local community. Your station can download the film in TV broadcast format from . This film is available for any Public Access TV station in the country - and world - to broadcast. Stations that use Telvue, DVDs or other media can contact for instructions. -- This episode is on PEGMedia - for public access TV stations - in ready for TV broadcast format SD: HD: -- More 911TV Films On PEGMedia - For Public Access TV Stations: -- More from - Film For Justice - on YouTube -- Film Website -- More 911TV Films On YouTube: -- 911TV’s Blog -- 911TV's Website -- |
Monday, July 4, 2016
•Defending the Indefensible 2016 “The Occupation of the American Mind” PART 1
For those who ever wondered why the perps thot they could get away with
911, this movie, “The Occupation of the American Mind” says it all!
With the subtitle “Israel’s Public Relations War in the United States,”
it gets right to the point: Hasbara. And even knowing we are Mind
Controlled is not enough. We’ve got to clean out the cobwebs AND the
spiders! Here is a description of the video. This documentary film aims to explain why United States media, in contrast to most of the world’s media, omit the Palestinian story, and thus why US public opinion favors Israel so markedly. The film organizes the evidence in plain sight of the unnatural situation that has been maintained in US news reporting — the tropes that reinforce Zionist ideology, and recognize only Jewish Israeli life as imperiled. One very peculiar point is that Noam Chomsky is prominent in this video, while being the archtypical gatekeeper of 9/11. If it wasn’t so sick, it would be admirable: the Tribe does stick together. Ethnically White Europeans pretending to be Semites, Occupying and Settling Palestine with Deadly Intent. Take a look at this article in the Israeli newspaper HAARETZ: Israeli Propaganda Isn't Fooling Anyone Except Israelis by Gideon Levy, Haaretz Correspondent, 4 june 2015 at PART 1: Introduction, The Catastrophe, Propaganda is Not a Dirty Word PART 2: Terror - Not Territory, In the War of the Pictures – We Lose PART 3: The Lobby, Changing Perceptions. You can get the video streamed or DVD at Luntz - Israel-projects-2009-global-language-dic Hamas Charter - Jewish Critique, English Translation, Original: Likud Party: Original Party Platform: -- |
Phone your local public access TV station and ask them to broadcast this film to your local community. Your station can download the film in TV broadcast format from . This film is available for any Public Access TV station in the country - and world - to broadcast. Stations that use Telvue, DVDs or other media can contact for instructions. -- This PEGMedia Episode - For Public Access TV Stations: XXXhttp..../detailXXX -- More 911TV Films On PEGMedia - For Public Access TV Stations: -- PART 1 PEGMedia SD Episode: (PEGMedia Episode Link) PART 2 PEGMedia Episode: (PEGMedia Episode Link) PART 3 PEGMedia Episode: (PEGMedia Episode Link) -- View HD PART 1 On YouTube: View HD PART 2 On YouTube: View HD PART 3 On YouTube: More 911TV Films On YouTube: -- 911TV’s Blog -- 911TV's Website -- |
•Defending the Indefensible 2016 “The Occupation of the American Mind” PART 2
For those who ever wondered why the perps thot they could get away with
911, the new DVD “The Occupation of the American Mind” says it all!
With the subtitle “Israel’s Public Relations War in the United States,”
it gets right to the point: Hasbara. And even knowing we are Mind
Controlled is not enough. We’ve got to clean out the cobwebs AND the
spiders! Here is a description of the video. This documentary film aims to explain why United States media, in contrast to most of the world’s media, omit the Palestinian story, and thus why US public opinion favors Israel so markedly. The film organizes the evidence in plain sight of the unnatural situation that has been maintained in US news reporting — the tropes that reinforce Zionist ideology, and recognize only Jewish Israeli life as imperiled. One very peculiar point is that Noam Chomsky is prominent in this video, while being the archtypical gatekeeper of 9/11. If it wasn’t so sick, it would be admirable: the Tribe does stick together. Ethnically White Europeans pretending to be Semites, Occupying and Settling Palestine with Deadly Intent. Take a look at this article in the Israeli news: Israeli Propaganda Isn't Fooling Anyone Except Israelis by Gideon Levy, Haaretz Correspondent, 4 june 2015 at PART 1: Introduction, The Catastrophe, Propaganda is Not a Dirty Word PART 2: Terror - Not Territory, In the War of the Pictures – We Lose PART 3: The Lobby, Changing Perceptions. You can get the video streamed or DVD at Luntz - Israel-projects-2009-global-language-dic Hamas Charter - Jewish Critique, English Translation, Original Likud Party: Original Party Platform — |
Phone your local public access TV station and ask them to broadcast this film to your local community. Your station can download the film in TV broadcast format from . This film is available for any Public Access TV station in the country - and world - to broadcast. Stations that use Telvue, DVDs or other media can contact for instructions. -- This PEGMedia Episode - For Public Access TV Stations: XXXhttp..../detailXXX -- More 911TV Films On PEGMedia - For Public Access TV Stations: -- PART 1 PEGMedia Episode: (PEGMedia Episode Link) PART 2 PEGMedia Episode: (PEGMedia Episode Link) PART 3 PEGMedia Episode: (PEGMedia Episode Link) -- View HD PART 1 On YouTube: View HD PART 2 On YouTube: View HD PART 3 On YouTube: -- More 911TV Films On YouTube: -- 911TV’s Blog -- 911TV's Website -- |
•Defending the Indefensible 2016 “The Occupation of the American Mind” PART 3
For those who ever wondered why the perps thot they could get away with
911, the new DVD “The Occupation of the American Mind” says it all!
With the subtitle “Israel’s Public Relations War in the United States,”
it gets right to the point: Hasbara. And even knowing we are Mind
Controlled is not enough. We’ve got to clean out the cobwebs AND the
spiders! Here is a description of the video. This documentary film aims to explain why United States media, in contrast to most of the world’s media, omit the Palestinian story, and thus why US public opinion favors Israel so markedly. The film organizes the evidence in plain sight of the unnatural situation that has been maintained in US news reporting — the tropes that reinforce Zionist ideology, and recognize only Jewish Israeli life as imperiled. One very peculiar point is that Noam Chomsky is prominent in this video, while being the archetypical gatekeeper of 9/11. If it wasn’t so sick, it would be admirable: the Tribe does stick together. Ethnically White Europeans pretending to be Semites, Occupying and Settling Palestine with Deadly Intent. Take a look at this article in the Israeli news: "Israeli Propaganda Isn't Fooling Anyone Except Israelis" by Gideon Levy, Haaretz Correspondent, 4 june 2015 at PART 1: Introduction, The Catastrophe, Propaganda is Not a Dirty Word PART 2: Terror - Not Territory, In the War of the Pictures – We Lose PART 3: The Lobby, Changing Perceptions. You can get the video streamed or DVD at Luntz - Israel-projects-2009-global-language-dic Hamas Charter - Jewish Critique, English Translation, Original Likud Party: Original Party Platform -- |
Phone your local public access TV station and ask them to broadcast this film to your local community. Your station can download the film in TV broadcast format from . This film is available for any Public Access TV station in the country - and world - to broadcast. Stations that use Telvue, DVDs or other media can contact for instructions. -- This PEGMedia Episode - For Public Access TV Stations: XXXhttp..../detailXXX -- More 911TV Films On PEGMedia - For Public Access TV Stations: -- More 911TV Films On PEGMedia -- View HD PART 1 On YouTube: View HD PART 2 On YouTube: View HD PART 3 On YouTube: -- More 911TV Films On YouTube: -- 911TV’s Blog -- 911TV's Website -- |