Published on Jan 21, 2016
International Citizens' Inquiry Into 9/11, Phase 2” was held in
Toronto, Canada, May 25-30, 2004. This is episode 2 of the series,
TOP2-2-- Ian Woods, Wednesday May 26, 2004 Editor of Global Outlook. Advises the audience to refute the ‘official story’ and to ask of the presenters, what are you trying to refute? -- Jamie Hecht, Wednesday May 26, 2004 Examining the Term ‘Conspiracy Theory’. It is a phrase to promote disinformation. Jamie explains how to deal with it if one wants to explain the ‘real;’ 9/11. He pinpoints 3 strategies to clean up the phrase. Advice: do not entertain the words ‘conspiracy theory’ when explaining 9/11. Jamie goes on to explain conspiracy by manufacturers e.g. Ford tire recall., a formal meaning of conspiracy to benefit in point form, ‘theory’ to hypotheses to testing to hearing, etc. etc. “It’s all from family dynamics. Heal the family. Be kind to one another. Be gentle and decent and believe in the humanity of the other person even if she looks nothing like you… And all these grand, giant, murderous industrial schemes, will gradually deflate.” Panel discussion: Get rid of the term ‘conspiracy theory.’ -- The Toronto International Citizens' Inquiry Into 9/11, Phase Two, May 25-30, 2004, was sponsored and hosted by the Board of Directors and Staff of S.I.F.T, Skeptics Inquiry for Truth, which was an Ontario non-profit corporation incorporated in 2003 primarily for this purpose. They were assisted by many community volunteers and helpers who made major contributions to support the Inquiry financially and logistically. Thus the hosting of the Inquiry was a collective accomplishment of the burgeoning 9/11 Truth community in Toronto. Over 40 speakers from three continents participated to present five days and evenings of groundbreaking 9/11 research and investigation. |
Phone your local public access TV station and ask them to broadcast this film to your local community. Your station can download the film in TV broadcast format from . This film is available for any Public Access TV station in the country - and world - to broadcast. Stations that use Telvue, DVDs or other media can contact for instructions. -- This PEGMedia Episode - For Public Access TV Stations: -- More 911TV Films On PEGMedia - For Public Access TV Stations: -- Tags: 911,TOP2-2, Woods, Hecht 2004, Toronto The International Citizen's Inquiry, -- Produced: 2004, Episode: TOP2-2, Category: Education, 58:00 -- View This Show On YouTube: -- More 911TV Films On YouTube: -- 911TV’s Blog -- 911TV's Website -- |
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