In the name of
9/11, “wars have been waged, governments overthrown, and an untold
number of lives sacrificed.” Yet 9/11 is an unsolved crime of terrorism
and mass murder, with no trial and no serious investigation. This
elaborately planned criminal deception was carried out “with the
intention that the public would be deceived with a false explanation
blaming the atrocity on Osama Bin Laden and Al Quaida....” Christopher Bollyn states he has written “Solving 9-11: the Deception that Changed the World” because he could not remain indifferent and silent...”as the lies about 9/11 were used to wage wars of aggression and transform American into a police state.” An investigative journalist from Illinois, Bollyn sojourned in Europe and the Middle East before studying languages, history and journalism at UC Davis and Santa Cruz. His degree in history focused on the Israeli occupation of Palestine. He has written in-depth articles about the Middle East, electronic vote fraud, the dangers of depleted uranium, and the history and geo-political background of 9/11. In 2007, Bollyn and his family moved to Sweden when his research into 9/11 brought about his being attacked by undercover police and then charged with assaulting them. He began writing this book and has been touring in the US with the hope of raising the consciousness of the American public and exposing the true culprits. Readers of his book have said it is “the top-notch work of the 9/11 collection and ...the work of a brave genius...information we can use to reformulate our me hope that truth and liberty can ultimately prevail.” More information at -- |
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