
Saturday, May 23, 2015

Guns and Butter Newsletter #2

Dear friends, supporters, listeners and fans of Guns and Butter,
Please be sure to see below about the action needed to remain on the newsletter list.

I have some exciting news for you. As I shared with you in the first newsletter two weeks ago, Guns and Butter was censored when trying to have Gary Null on air live to discuss the issue of vaccines and specifically SB277. This is the California State Senate bill that will remove all religious and philosophical exemptions from parents of children attending public or private school. It will essentially mandate vaccinations for all children under the current California schedule and force parents to choose between vaccinating their kids, homeschooling or moving out of state.
Unfortunately, KPFA listeners were denied the opportunity to hear the facts and information about vaccines including safety, efficacy, legal issues and the corruption and collusion of the pharmaceutical industry, politicians, government officials and the media. Guns and Butter cannot and will not be censored by KPFA or anyone else so instead I did the interview with Gary Null myself. I am pleased to present to you the first of two hours of this blockbuster interview. Gary shares with us his incredible knowledge of this subject and it is not to be missed. Be sure to also read Gary's response to Laura Prives, Program Director at KPFA regarding the censorship of Guns and Butter.
We have created a blog post, Guns and Butter Uncensored:  An interview with Gary Null, Ph.D. on Vaccines and SB277 - Part One with a link to the interview on Sound Cloud along with some additional information and links regarding KPFA’s attempt at censoring Guns and Butter. We will be posting the second hour of the interview soon so be sure to stay tuned for the email Newsletter #3 and we hope to have another exciting announcement for you in that newsletter.
[The full 2 hour interview is here: Gary Null Show – 05.14.15]
Two weeks ago, Guns and Butter was censored when trying to have Gary Null, Ph. D. on air live to discuss the issue of vaccines and specifically SB277. This is the California State Senate bill that will remove all religious and philosophical exemptions from parents of children attending public or private school. It will essentially mandate vaccinations for all children under the current California schedule and force parents to choose between vaccinating their kids, homeschooling or moving out of state.

Unfortunately, KPFA listeners were denied the opportunity to hear the facts and information about vaccines including safety, efficacy, legal issues and the corruption and collusion of the pharmaceutical industry, politicians, government officials and the media. Guns and Butter cannot and will not be censored by KPFA or anyone else.  The interview was recently conducted by Bonnie Faulkner and Gary shares with us his incredible knowledge of this subject that is not to be missed.
Vaccines: What You Are Not Being Told - Part One is the first hour of this two-hour interview and is now available for listening or download.  Be sure to also read Gary's response to Laura Prives, Program Director at KPFA regarding the censorship of Guns and Butter.

Below are some helpful links and resources:
I also wanted to give you an update on SB277. On Thursday, May 14, the California State Senate did pass this piece of legislation without amendments in a shocking 25 to 10 vote with mostly democrats voting in favor of it but it did have some bi-partisan support. I will keep you updated on this critical legislation.
Thank you for your continued support of Guns and Butter to help us get out the truth on important issues. Please share this newsletter with others you think could benefit from this information.
Bonnie Faulkner, Host and Producer

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