The Left Forum claims to provide a context for the critical conversations that are essential for a stronger Left and a more just society. However, the Left Forum censored and cancelled all of the panels which Kevin Barrett participated in! They were captured by the Left Out team and LiveStreamed to thousands worldwide by No Lies Radio from NY on Sunday 4 June 2017. 911TV has put all three Kevin Barrett segments in this one video for your viewing pleasure. Using an intentionally ambiguous interpretation of hate crime, various politically “correct” elements, including those on the Left, are aggressively blocking dissent, inquiry, and free and open debate in public forums whenever they feel their orthodox dogmas have been violated. Unfortunately, there have been a wave of witch hunts against academics and activists when they attempt to discuss evidentiary facts on controversial topics such as 9/11, false flags, and Zionism. They have been subjected to ad hominem attacks, fired from their jobs, and imprisoned for voicing unpopular ideas. Following their 9/11 political coup, the neocons waged a long planned and calculated war on Muslim states under the guise of protecting Americans from "terrorists." Their end game was to guarantee perpetual war and a heightened security state in the US. America is now responsible for the murder of over 32 MILLION Muslims since 9/11 and the national debt has risen astronomically to $20 TRILLION because of war without end. When will there be enough REVENGE to satisfy the Zionist? Kevin will share his insights into the role of the West in these fraudulent wars. False flags, attacks covertly created by one group then blamed on another for ulterior purposes, have been engineered throughout history, as a military tactic to incite wars. Today, false flags are used to achieve many shadow government goals, including fomenting Islamophobia and cowing an unwitting public into supporting a fascist agenda. Kevin is at the forefront of challenging the false flag phenomena. From Guy Fawkes to the USS Maine, to 9/11, Paris, Boston, Orlando and beyond, Dr. Barrett provides a comprehensive historical overview of these shadowy events. -- |
Increasingly, Leftists are challenging the official 9/11 story, focusing on forensic, political facts -- not ideological positions and name calling. Much of the Left leadership, however, shuns discussion or investigation of the many omissions, misstatements, and deceptions of the official 9/11 narrative. They call 9/11 inquiry a distraction from “the real work.” Given that “everything changed after 9/11,” 9/11 truth activists believe the acceptance of a deceitful Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld version of 9/11 directly allowed for an unprecedented transfer of power to the Deep State. Resistance to the 9/11 official story IS "the real work" required to end wars on terrorism, reduce Islamophobia, restore civil liberties, and slash the bloated military/intelligence budget. Keeping in mind that terrorism is DEFINED as a military attack on civilians, the so-called War on Terror IS Terrorism itself. In Kevin's last talk, "Cui Bono?" he goes through the whole sad list of defenders of the Official Conspiracy Theory (OCT), who are thereby shown to be the perpetrators of the atrocity. -- Tags: Kevin Barrett, Terror, False Flag, Cui Bono?, Who Benefits?, -- Produced: 2017, Episode: KB-T+FF+CB, Category: Education, 1:07:57 -- Phone your local public TV station and ask them to broadcast this film to your local community. Your station can download the film in TV broadcast format from . This film is available for any Public TV station in the country - and world - to broadcast. Stations that use Telvue, DVDs or other media can contact for instructions. -- This PEGMedia Episode: (PEGMedia Episode Link) -- More 911TV Films On PEGMedia -- View This Show On YouTube: -- More 911TV Films On YouTube: -- 911TV’s Blog -- 911TV's Website -- |
Thursday, August 31, 2017
Kevin Barrett 2017 “Pure Kevin from the Left Out Forum”
Tuesday, August 22, 2017
A Message from Ixtklan
this document took over 20 years of detailed
work. it's branches are about Jose Arguelles and DreamSpell. it's
roots are in the Mayan Calendar. It's scope is no less than eliminating
the Gregorian calendar and returning to the ancient and accurate solar four
seasons calendar.
from this work, it now becomes clear why 2012 seemed like such a
dud. from seeds planted by Jose Arguelles, recent analysis of fractal
timing shows 2017 as the time most likely to start the clock. the solar
eclipse crossing america is on august 21, 2017, 5 Seed in traditional Mayan
there is more to come in tidying up the last chapter, but
suffice it to say, star seeding has occurred. (see baktun map
send this link to all Jose Arguelles fans. keeping in
mind that neither DreamSpell (no one born on feb 29 has a galactic signature)
or Gregorian calendar will work going forward because of arbitrary leap
days. a good
place to start is p.32 at Jose Arguelles’ indictment of the 12 month Gregorian
the tzolkin has no leap days and can therefore accurately
predict the venus cycle and will continue to count the days forever. the
first baktun of the star planting is beginning. now is time for the seeds (we
have prepared ourselves to be) to take root.
Digging our way out of history has been a long, arduous
process. But along the way we have also been uncovering,
discovering, recovering and rediscovering many song lines of this beautiful
blue-green planet
We walk unencumbered into the vast unknown of the
Sunday, August 20, 2017
Adnan Zuberi 2013 “9/11 in the Academic Community”
“9/11 in the Academic Community,” a Winner of the University of Toronto Film Festival, is a unique film that documents academia’s treatment of critical perspectives on 9/11 by exploring the taboo that shields the American government’s narrative from scholarly examination. Through a powerful reflection on intellectual courage and the purpose of academia, the film aims at changing intellectual discourse on 9/11 and the War on Terror. As well as probing the repercussions several scholars have endured due to their investigation of 9/11, this documentary provides an analysis of impairments in professional inquiry, ranging from the failure to critically reflect on terms functioning as thought-stoppers (such as “conspiracy theory”) to the structural approach that restricts inquiry to the broad implications of 9/11 while shutting out enquiry into the events of the day itself. As 9/11 served as the rationale for the Global War on Terror, the expansion of the military and intelligence complex, the invasion of other countries in violation of international law, and the curtailing of civil liberties, the film provides an inspiring demonstration of intellectual courage that will cause many scholars to reflect on the academy’s role and strength to dismantle the war system. -- Tags: 9/11, 9-11, 911, Academic Community, Academia, Taboo, thought-stoppers, Global War on Terror, international law, military intelligence complex, -- Produced: 2013, Episode: AZ-911AC HD, Category: Education, 58:05 -- |
Phone your local public access TV station and ask them to broadcast this film to your local community. Your station can download the film in TV broadcast format from This film is available for any Public Access TV station in the country - and world - to broadcast. -- This PEGMedia HD Episode: The PEGMedia SD Episode: -- More 911TV Films On PEGMedia — View This Show On YouTube: -- More 911TV Films On YouTube: -- 911TV BLOG —- 911TV's Website -- |